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Celebrating Women in Maths Day 2023

To commemorate Women in Maths Day 2023 (12 May), the Protect Pure Maths Campaign teamed up with the Piscopia Initiative, a UK-wide network of women and non-binary undergraduate/MSc students, PhD students, and researchers in Mathematics and related disciplines that encourage women and non-binary people to pursue a PhD in Mathematics.

When thinking of a mathematically-themed baked good, one might opt for a pie. However this year, Gemma Crowe and Xell Brunet Guasch, current Co-Leaders of the Piscopia Initiative, wrote an opinion piece for the Press and Journal whilst also delivering a cake to their female colleagues at their respective universities. They argued that “great swathes” of talent are currently wasted by women being deterred away from further mathematics education due to everyday sexism, prejudice and poor representation rates of women in the sector.

Gemma Crowe was also interviewed by BBC Radio Scotland about the importance of promoting women in mathematics, whilst also revealing the minimum number of slices needed to cut a cake into 8 equal sections! Click below to listen:

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