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Lords Debate on Science and Technology

Last week, Viscount Stansgate led a debate in the House of Lords on the contribution of science and technology to the UK economy. CaMS briefed speakers ahead of the debate, noting the significant contribution of the mathematical sciences to economic growth and innovation.


Science Minister Lord Vallance assured members that maths is on his radar, saying: “ I have recently met both the Royal Society and the Academy for the Mathematical Sciences—which has just got started—on the topic of maths teaching and education.”


Vallance also confirmed that the government will shortly publish the AI opportunities plan to set out how it plans to drive up the research, development and adoption of AI across the economy. CaMS has previously written to project lead Matt Clifford to highlight the centrality of maths to the development and governance of AI.


Lord Mair also contributed to the debate, arguing that universities require further investment in R&D and support from the Government so that they can continue to innovate, attract foreign investment and stimulate industries.


Later, Lord Rees said: “the government make a lot of the 6,500 new teachers. It is equally important and, in some ways, more cost-effective to invest in upskilling and retaining the teachers we have already have. Improving CPD for science teachers, so that they remain up to date, would be of great value.”


We look forward to following up with those who contributed to the debate to discuss how we can further promote maths.


Read our debate briefing here.

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