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We are delighted to announce our Maths Degrees for the Future Grants, which will offer funding up to £500,000 to help universities develop new mathematical sciences degree programmes. These will support the mathematical sciences community to generate new, transformative ideas and increase the number of students that enter and progress in the discipline.


The call for proposals will open in Autumn 2024. This will be an open process with broad criteria, that will welcome ideas from universities of all types. However, successful applications will be expected to demonstrate the following:


A clear vision for the mathematical knowledge and skills that the programme will develop for students over the next 10 years, and how this relate to the needs of academia, industry or teaching.


That the programme will retain a core focus in foundational mathematics and equip graduates with the flexibility to move into a wide range of future careers.


How the programme will attract a wider pool of students into the mathematical sciences, including from related fields and diverse backgrounds.


That there is a clear justification on how the funds will be used to transform the current provision and ensure its long-term sustainability. Funding cannot be used to fill existing budget gaps or pay for already existing schemes.


How success will be measured and tracked, and how best practice will be shared with other universities and the wider mathematical sciences community.

The Maths Degrees for the Future Grants will be funded through a donation from XTX Markets to the London Mathematical Society, which will administer the programme on behalf of CaMS. 

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We are always looking for help and suggestions to advance the mathematical sciences, including from new campaign supporters and industry partners.


We are always happy to help by sharing data and insights about the mathematical sciences, and with media queries and speaking opportunities, and policy briefings and visits.

Connect are working on behalf of CaMS (Campaign for Mathematical Sciences). We value your privacy and the data collected through this feedback form will only be used to keep you updated on CaMs’ work and activity. We will always treat your personal data with the utmost care and take all appropriate steps to protect it. You can view our Privacy Policy at

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